Thursday, September 3, 2009

Congratulations to Me

It is no secret that I am completely computer illiterate, not to mention in many other things. It is still a wonder to me that I even managed to set up a blog. I feel I am extending myself beyond my personal parameters to accomplish such a goal. So it may be moot to point out that I have had some difficulty in navigating around my account and dashboard. (Did you see that? I used blogger lingo. I promised Scott I wouldn't do that. Shh, don't tell.) So today I am proud to announce that I learned to do something new. I was able to post a permanent picture of my son. Can you believe it? I know. Granted it took me two weeks to figure it out.... and accidentally deleted something else I didn't mean to in the process. But who cares? I say, Yeah!!

So I hope you all enjoy my adorable Bubba. He was truly worth the wait.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, kudos to you! I think you iz smart to get that set up and throw in a little blogger lingo to boot. And yes, I do enjoy your Bubba. He looks so grown up in that picture!
