Sunday, May 22, 2011

Jesus, is that You?

Directly following the Sacrament prayer, Hunter leans to me and asks,
"Mommy, was that Jesus?"
I was confused..."Was what Jesus?"
"Saying the prayer, Mommy."

It's always difficult to not laugh when a child is so innocent. It's even more difficult to not laugh when it's a prohibited situation. I did giggle a little as I explained how the boys crouch behind the Sacrament table and speak into a microphone. I guess it does make sense that one would think they heard Jesus when no one is in sight and you hear a booming voice.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


In case anyone was wondering, Dolly wasn't the only thing ever cloned.

Sorry for the off center picture of Hunter. He is always trying to run around the camera to see it before the flash even goes off. Needless to say, I rarely catch him in the shot.

The picture of Hunter was taken earlier this year, making him 4 years and a little. The picture of Scott was taken for school pictures in 1983, which would make him 3 1/2. People always laugh when I question myself as the mother. Hopefully, now they understand why. Very often I am told that he looks like me. Does anyone still see that? Coop does look more like me, actually, more like Cameron. I plan on getting a picture from my mom and doing a comparison of them as well.

What do you think?

Monday, May 2, 2011

God Bless America

I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy.

Today I celebrate what our country, my America, stands for. God bless American, God bless us all.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

We Laugh All Day

After church, Hunter told us about a video he watched in primary. Here is just a part of our conversation:

Hunter: I watched a movie about Joseph Smiff.

Me: What did Mr. Joseph do?

Hunter: He stole the plates.

Me: No, Moroni told him where to go get them.

Hunter: Yeah, up on the hill.

Scott: How many times did Moroni come?

Hunter: FOOOOUR times! (said with his fingers and eyebrows up)


Scott: Who came to see Joseph?

Hunter: I don't remember.

Scott: Heavenly Father and Jesus.

Hunter: Yeah, and they said, 'don't join none church.' They all said, 'I'm special, no I'm special. Join me! Join me!'

Later his primary teachers showed up at our door. They wanted to tell us about sharing time and how Hunter was the spotlight. Oh how I wish we were there. He was invited to stand at the microphone and answer questions from the other primary children. Apparently it was beyond hilarious. Only for the last few questions did his teachers think to pull out their phone and get some video. I am a firm believer in no electronics at church, but I am so glad they had theirs today. They are going to email the video to us. When we get it, if I can get it to upload, I will share it. We are told the events went something like this:

What's your favorite color?

Hunter: orange

What's your favorite cake?

Hunter: orange

What's your favorite frosting?

Hunter: orange

What's your favorite ice cream?

Hunter: orange

What's your other favorite ice cream?

Hunter: strawberry

What's your favorite fruit?

Hunter: orange (no, not oranges)

What's your favorite food?

Hunter: cottage cheese

Teacher: cottage cheese? (surprised he didn't answer oranges)

Hunter: yeah, it's good for you. I'll make it for you sometime.

What's your favorite movie?

Hunter: train movie (aka Mighty Machines)

What's your favorite TV show?

Hunter: train movie

I don't think this added much to the reverence.

Later over dinner....

Hunter: Karen, do you know what a squig says?

Karen: No

Hunter: (indiscernible sound)

Karen: What's a squig?

Hunter: It's like a fish that looks like an octopus.

Karen: Oh, you mean a squid!!!

Scott: What do policemen do?

Hunter: Protect the restaurants and the stores....from tornadoes!

...if only.


Scott: Hunter, you say a lot of things.

Hunter: Yeah. I have a mouth.

At bedtime....

Hunter: Daddy, you can read me a story because you are out of the potty.

During his prayer....

Hunter: I'm thankful for Cooper and for my baby brother.

I can't wait for what he will say tomorrow.