Monday, August 22, 2011

Big Guy has had Enough

Coop has reached several milestones in the past month. Some of the biggest include crawling, sitting up, feeding himself, and pulling himself up. Needless to say, I've been scrambling to keep up. Both in terms of his safety and my own emotions. With four years between babies, I seem to be out of practice. He appeared to be gung ho for all new things until his first time sitting in a shopping cart. He seems to want no part of it.

He laid his head down with must frustration and sighing, only lifting it once or twice with much coaxing.

His face says it all.

I think I'll give him a break for a few weeks. It looks to be too much too fast for him. Secretly I wouldn't mind a little slow-mo myself. Ok, not so secretly.


  1. So cute. Maybe sitting in the shopping cart is soothing, lulling him to sleep?

  2. Even if he's not ready for the shopping cart he looks so grown up compared to the last time I saw him. What a cutie.
