Friday, August 26, 2011

I'm getting Whiplash

This binky is actually from the days of Bubba. He wasn't too keen on it because of the little bumpies on the nipple. It's supposed to be good for teething. Yes well, after one or two attempts, it ended up in the toy bin. Now being Coop's domain, can I tell you how much he loves this thing? I swear when he's digging in there, this is what he's looking for.

Yes, it's cute and all. It looks like a gigantic smile. But when it catches your peripheral vision...scary. I keep thinking that he's injured and bleeding. Sheesh, you'd think after the hundredth time of whipping my head around I would know it's just the bink.

I just don't have the heart to take it from him. Oh well.

1 comment:

  1. I think it looks like a giant pretzel. He's so flippin adorable, scary bink or no...
