Ok, I am aware that my blog has somewhat died. Alright, it completely died, but I am ok with it because I believe in resurrection. So I am going to attempt to catch up on the events of last year now that my body is once again my own. Spending my days hurling and sleeping doesn't allow much time for blogging. Are you enjoying my justification? So please don't judge me that my posts will be completely out of order and somewhat random.
Here are the events of this morning. Hunter has been wanting to make a snowman all winter. But with Scott working two jobs, it's been difficult to organize him being home with snow on the ground. So today was the day. The snow was not optimal for snowman making, but we had to do it. Who knows how many more storms there will be?
I stayed inside where it was nice and warm and took pictures through the window. That's the perk of being the mom and having a two month old with you. After a while, I heard a knock at the door. There was a very cute, very cold little boy asking for a carrot. Which makes sense, no snowman is complete without one.
So cute! We have yet to build a snowman. At this point, the snow is so deep that the kids would be lost in the drifts if we tried. Mind if we send some snow down your way? :S