Monday, April 25, 2011

Family Ties

"Daddy, my strawberries didn't want me to eat their family."

He did not respect their wishes.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Gas Stations

We give up many things when we become 'adults' (I still don't consider myself one) and even more as parents. I won't bore you with a list of things you already know. I am just missing some of my old freedom at the moment.

What I am longing for right now is going to the gas station. It sounds silly, right? I didn't realize or much less appreciate it at the time, but I miss going to the gas station. Many times, usually in late to wee hours, Scott and I would walk to the gas station. One of us would have a craving for this or that (0k, I would have a craving) and we would head out. Walk hand in hand. Slowly. With no purpose. Sometimes we'd talk, sometimes we were silent. It was fun. I miss it. I didn't realize I did until tonight. I would give just about anything to get up and walk the two blocks right about now...just about. I wouldn't give up the hugs. The laughter. Late night cuddles. Soggy secrets in my ear. Wet noses in my neck.

Someday we'll do it again. In about a decade or so.

Monday, April 11, 2011

One Night in Mommyhood

Did you ever see that episode of The Flintstones where Fred was so exhausted that he used toothpicks to keep his eyes open? Well for those of you who haven't, it didn't work. His eyelids were so heavy that they snapped the toothpicks in half and he was fast asleep. It's quite funny. I would find you a link to watch it, but I can't see past my toothpicks to find it.

My weekend moved pretty fast and now I am not. I attended the What Women Want fair on Friday, followed up by bingo. I then proceeded to throw a surprise birthday party for Scott. That event about put me on fumes due to NOTHING going right. We kind of surprised him. The Coop was not having church and I spent three hours in the foyer in very tall heals. Needless to say, I was very excited about watching a movie in bed and sleeping in a little today. Nope, didn't happen.

Most people know that I must sleep. Yes, I know, we all do. But I MUST. If I don't get 8-9 hours I don't function. What's worse, if I am woken up at the wrong time, no one is home. With this in mind, I will attempt to recall the events overnight. It could be sketchy though, I don't believe I was really present for any of it. During a couple of my trips down the hall, I was woken up by my head bobbing. I didn't know I could sleep walk. Yes, I give you permission to laugh.

The Coop is teething and he woke up the first time about 1:00. A little comfort and he was back to sleep and so was I. Not even an hour later, Hunter was at the side of my bed. I attempted to address him, but apparently failed. He got frustrated and said with stress, "You're not helping me!" I had no clue what he was talking about and asked if he would like to get in bed with me. It's all I could figure out.

I dozed for a little and realized a light was on. Only my right eye opened to see that it was Hunter's bedroom light. I guess I said something to him about it because he climbed down, turned it off and came back.

I am only aware I was up the next time because of one of the head bobbing incidents. My eyes snapped open and I realized I was heading towards a crying Coop. I tried to soothe him, but failed. I carried him back to my bed and slept while sitting up and feeding him. I am not sure how long it was before I came to. I carried him back to his bed. When I tried to lay back down, there was a Hunter head under my pillow. While trying to roll him over I discovered he was wet.


I learned that Hunter is just as none responsive as I am. I finally got him to get up and go to the bathroom. I was headed to his room to get clean jammies. Headed... I snapped awake sitting on the edge of my bed. Again, no idea how much time elapsed. On my way I realized the kitchen light was on, not the bathroom light. I found him sitting on the bar stool with his head down, fast asleep. Haha, I was now awake enough to laugh at the situation. This was followed by another attempt to get him to the bathroom and me searching for where the mishap took place. His bed, dry. My bed, dry. I even did the sniff test. I still don't know. (Yes, I am washing both beds to be sure.)

I am aware of soothing poor teething Coop one more time and scaring the crap out of Scott just before he left for work. I don't remember hearing the alarm or him getting in the shower.

This all adds up to a fuzzy head and a lack of a shower day for me. I don't even care. I am going to roll right back into bed as I am, hopefully very soon. And if any of you are wondering where was Scott in all of this, I don't know. I wasn't together enough to wake him. I did ask Hunter several questions about it all. He remembers nothing, denies wetting the bed, and is confused why he was wearing different jammies. Cross your fingers for a quieter night for me.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Hunter: Mommy, what are you doing?
Me: Nothing, just hangin' out.
Hunter: Oh, I'm not. I'm hangin' in.
Me: HAHA, that's good.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Deep Thoughts

"Mommy, I have good news and I have good news. The good news is, I love you. The good news is, I love you."

It's good to be loved.